Family Arts
Mon 2nd to Thurs 5th July 2018
4pm - 6pm
Come along after school for some drop-in arts and crafts activities for children and families. Children must be accompanied.
At Bilborough Library & Community Centre, Bracebridge Drive, NG8 4PN . FREE
Creative Reminiscence
Tues 3rd and Wed 4th July 2018
10am - 12noon
A workshop for older people, reflecting on place, reminiscence and creativity. Led by Creative Paths. At Bilborough Library & Community Centre, NG8 4PN. FREE
Art for Babies
and Toddlers
Monday 2nd July 2018, 9.30am - 11.30am
Join St Martin's Baby and Toddler Group as they explore art for the under 5s. Be prepared to be a bit messy! Open to all under 5s and their parents. At St Martins, NG8 3BH. FREE inc refreshments
T'ai Chi Taster
Mon 2nd July, 10.45am - 11.45am
Come along and give T'ai Chi a try, talk to the friendly group of existing members and watch a short demonstration. At St John's Hall, Graylands Rd
And Sew it
Mon 2nd July, 9.30am - 3.30pm
A chance a relax and socialise while getting creative with a range of sewing, crafts and art materials. Led by Tracey High and local crafters. All ages welcome. FREE
Armoured Vehicles
Wed 4th July, 10am - 3pm (Drop in)
Come and admire an extensive display of hand crafted military models made by Bilborough's Finest. Demos and talks by local resident, David Johnson, FREE.
Crafty Ladies
Wed 4th July, 11am - 2pm
Try your hand at needlepoint, knitting or crocheting, supported by a regular group of friendly crafters. At St Martin's Church, St Martin's Rd, NG8 3BH. FREE
Wed 4th July, 1pm - 3pm
Create your own mosaic tile with local artist, Sarah Camplin. Book you place by calling 07808 165209. At Bilborough Library & Community Centre. FREE
Flowers Workshop
Wed 4th July, 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Create a floral wreath with paper flowers! Suitable for adults. Led by Debbie Heath. At The Vale Community Centre, Wollaton Vale, NG8 2JA
Messy Church
Wed 4th July, 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Fun, faith and food for all the family. Come straight from school for 45 mins of fun craft activities, 15 mins of songs and stories and then sit down for some food together! Call 07929 013447 to let us know you're coming! Small donation.
Around Workshop
Thursday 5th July, 2pm - 4pm
Find that free and joyful part of yourself in a magical, playful clown experience. Suitable for everyone from 16 yrs. Led by Angela Hayes and Amanda Schofield. Book your place on 07808 165209 or email FREE
Heritage Walk
Thurs 5th July, 6.30pm
The local history group will lead you on a walk through old Bilborough with stories of the past - start and finish at St Martin's Church, St Martin's Rd. FREE.